
What is Your Major Stress in Life?

What is your major stress in life?

A few nights back, while queuing in a drive thru, my kids & I were talking about our personalities. We’re making fun of ourselves, and had a good laugh about it.

On a serious side, I blurted out that I was a people pleaser. I wanted people to like me, and yes, it has been a major source of stress for me.

It has been that way for me. I want to please my parents, siblings, teachers, classmates, bosses, co workers, hubby, kids, etc.

I feel disappointment in myself, if I perceive that I don’t come up to their expectations. I feel ashamed of myself, if I deemed that I fail my children, whether imagined or not.

These negative feeling does take a toll on my wellbeing. It took years learning this feeling of inadequacy, so it also took years to unlearn it.

It is only through God’s mercy and love,  that I am able to accept myself, love myself. It is only through God’s unconditional love, that I am able to say, that




I am a work in progress, but I know, God will see me through.

The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. - 1 Samuel 16:7

Do the following, when uncertainties creep to your mind, and destroy the inner peace you have:

1.   Look to the Lord, for He is our number one Champion.

2.   Do breathe in and breathe out exercise - this simple breathing exercise  releases endorphins, the feel good chemical.

3.   Reach out to your loved ones, they are the first people, who understands what you’re going through, and is ready to lift your spirits up.

4.   Engage in your favorite hobby - research shows that people who takes part in recreational or relaxation activities are less prone to low mood or depression.

5.    Always remind yourself, that you are important, that you are love, and that you are enough.

We got this dear Mammas!

Middle life is beautiful.❤️

Email is midlifeisbeautiful@gmail.com.


  1. I am also a work in progress but will get there!

  2. Virtual hugs sister, stay strong, and keep up the faith! :)


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